Modern Health Stock

modernhealth.comHealthcare / Digital HealthFounded: 2017Funding to Date: $170.58MM

Modern Health is the provider of a comprehensive mental wellness platform that combines the WHO well-being assessment, self-service wellness kits, an international network of certified coaches, and licensed therapists available in 35 languages.

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Management Team

Alyson Watson
Jinen Kamdar
Barrett Dwyer
VP, Finance
Jackie Lamping
Tim Savage
VP, Operations

Board Members

Penelope Herscher
Mamoon Hamid
Kleiner Perkins
Alyson Watson
Modern Health
Roger Lee
Battery Ventures

Frequently Asked Questions About Modern Health’s Stock

Can you buy Modern Health’s stock?
Modern Health is not publicly traded on NYSE or NASDAQ in the U.S. To buy Modern Health’s stock you need to be an accredited investor. Learn more about how to invest in the private market or register today to get started.
Can you sell Modern Health’s stock?
Yes, you can sell stock of a private company like Modern Health. Forge can help you sell your Modern Health stock in a way that works for you and the company. So if you are seeking liquidity, register with us today to get started.
What is Modern Health’s stock price?
Modern Health is a privately held company and therefore does not have a public stock price. However, you may access Modern Health’s private market stock price with Forge Data.
What is Modern Health’s stock ticker symbol?
Modern Health does not have an official ticker symbol because this company is not currently publicly traded.
Can institutional investors buy and sell private market stocks?
Yes. As one of the largest trading platform for the private market, Forge helps institutional investors seek liquidity as they buy and sell private stock for their portfolios or their clients. Our private market specialists have decades of experience working with institutional firms. Learn more or register today to get started.

News Highlights

Modern Health expands mental health benefit with ‘specialized pathways’
"Modern Health, a digital mental health benefits provider, has expanded its services to include more specialised mental healthcare. The new solution, called Modern Health Pathways, offers personalised support, including cognitive and dialectical behavioural therapy. The move comes as stress and anxiety disorders have increased by 25% between 2019 and 2023, with 88% of HR leaders recognizing that mental health resources can boost productivity.
Modern Health Named to Fast Company's Annual List of the World's Most Innovative Companies for 2023
"Modern Health, a global workplace mental health platform, has been ranked seventh in Fast Company's annual list of the World's Most Innovative Companies for 2023 in the workplace sector. The company was recognised for its innovative initiatives in providing mental health solutions for employees, including partnerships with public figures, creating new care models, and offering globally accessible care. "
Updated on: Jun 2, 2024


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