Perennial Stock / AgTechFounded: 2016

Perennial, founded in 2018, is a technology company focused on developing a verification platform for soil-based carbon removal. They aim to reverse climate change by unlocking soil as a large carbon sink, building standards, tools, and technologies for verifying climate-smart agriculture worldwide. Perennial's work strives to contribute to enhancing soil health and carbon sequestration, with the goal of supporting global climate change mitigation efforts. Perennial is headquartered in Boulder, Colorado.

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Management Team

Jack Roswell
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Oleksiy Zhuk
Co-Founder, Chief Operating Officer & President
David Schurman
Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer
James Kellner
Chief Scientific Officer

Frequently Asked Questions About Perennial’s Stock

Can you buy Perennial’s stock?
Perennial is not publicly traded on NYSE or NASDAQ in the U.S. To buy Perennial’s stock you need to be an accredited investor. Learn more about how to invest in the private market or register today to get started.
Can you sell Perennial’s stock?
Yes, you can sell stock of a private company like Perennial. Forge can help you sell your Perennial stock in a way that works for you and the company. So if you are seeking liquidity, register with us today to get started.
What is Perennial’s stock price?
Perennial is a privately held company and therefore does not have a public stock price. However, you may access Perennial’s private market stock price with Forge Data.
What is Perennial’s stock ticker symbol?
Perennial does not have an official ticker symbol because this company is not currently publicly traded.
Can institutional investors buy and sell private market stocks?
Yes. As one of the largest trading platform for the private market, Forge helps institutional investors seek liquidity as they buy and sell private stock for their portfolios or their clients. Our private market specialists have decades of experience working with institutional firms. Learn more or register today to get started.

News Highlights

No-till annual wheat better for soil health in California’s climate
California wheat farmers could both maintain their yields and improve soil health by growing annual wheat without tilling the soil year after year. This could be one more encouragement to farmers to adopt a sustainable practice commonly called conservation tillage, no-till or minimum-till cultivation, impacting how we grow a grain that supplies about 20 percent of the calories and protein for people around the world.
Updated on: Jun 2, 2024


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