BeeHero Stock

beehero.ioIndustrial / MaterialsFounded: 2017

BeeHero is a private company that comprises beekeepers, scientists, and renowned biologists with the mission to help agriculturalists generate healthier, higher crop yields through the use of improved pollination technology. Headquartered in California, BeeHero has assembled new devices that farmer and crop owners can utilize that serves as its own hive of bees, thus providing a low-cost and effective solution to enhancing pollinator health of crops.

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Management Team

Omer Davidi
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder
Itai Kanot
Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer
Michal Roizman

Frequently Asked Questions About BeeHero’s Stock

Can you buy BeeHero’s stock?
BeeHero is not publicly traded on NYSE or NASDAQ in the U.S. To buy BeeHero’s stock you need to be an accredited investor. Learn more about how to invest in the private market or register today to get started.
Can you sell BeeHero’s stock?
Yes, you can sell stock of a private company like BeeHero. Forge can help you sell your BeeHero stock in a way that works for you and the company. So if you are seeking liquidity, register with us today to get started.
What is BeeHero’s stock price?
BeeHero is a privately held company and therefore does not have a public stock price. However, you may access BeeHero’s private market stock price with Forge Data.
What is BeeHero’s stock ticker symbol?
BeeHero does not have an official ticker symbol because this company is not currently publicly traded.
Can institutional investors buy and sell private market stocks?
Yes. As one of the largest trading platform for the private market, Forge helps institutional investors seek liquidity as they buy and sell private stock for their portfolios or their clients. Our private market specialists have decades of experience working with institutional firms. Learn more or register today to get started.

News Highlights

Bay Area scientist with bees in his bonnet gives Gov. Newsom a buzz in his ear
BeeHero, a US-based agricultural technology firm, aims to boost crop yields through AI, in-hive bee monitoring and data analysis to maximize pollination. BeeHero CEO Omer Davidi recently addressed the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Summit on the importance of bees, which are vital pollinators for 75% of crops supplying 90% of the world's food. The company, which announced a 300% YoY revenue growth and $64 million in total funding, provides data-gathering sensors creating "smart" hives, and consulting services to farmers for optimal honey bee pollination.
Using data to save bees and the sweetness of new years to come
"Israeli startup BeeHero is leveraging data collection, algorithmic analysis, and insight generation to address the decline in the global bee population. The company has developed a sensor that monitors various factors within a beehive, including heat, sound, and bee density, generating millions of data points each day. This data is analyzed to provide beekeepers with insights to efficiently maintain bee health and productivity. Since its inception in 2017, BeeHero has raised $64 million and operates in several countries, including the US and Australia.
BeeHero’s precision pollination platform provides growers real-time data
"California-based agtech company BeeHero has launched a precision pollination tool, Pollination Insight Platform (PIP), that provides real-time pollination data to growers. The platform uses in-field sensors that measure activity in crops to enhance pollination and yield. This technology will contribute to BeeHero's extensive database of bee behavior and assist in sustainable agricultural practices. The platform was developed in collaboration with global vegetable seeds company Hazera. "
Updated on: May 2, 2024


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